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Where is life coaching today?

The life coaching industry is expected to continue its rapid growth rate in the future

More people are familiar with the concept.
There is evidence of positive results that clients are receiving from their coaching experience.
More and more coaches will be needed to meet the expanding client base.
Coaching will come to a head and be challenged to weed out those that are not making a difference.

What qualifications are most important for a successful coaching experience?

Having a genuine personal care for client’s success.
Being willing to meet clients where they are at.
Coming from a positive and supportive place.
Being credentialed by a recognized and licensed school.

What about accreditation?

There are four self-appointed bodies for life coaching:  the International Coaching Council, The International Coach Federation, the International Association of Coaching and the European Coaching Institute.  No independent supervisory board evaluates these programs and they are all privately owned.

What this means is there is no recognized accreditation organization that is accepted or legally sanctioned by any independent governing authority.  All organizations are self-created, and have no sanctioned state or federal government approval. However, there are organizations that undergo rigorous licensing scrutiny each year in some states.  These schools are in compliance with their state statues and have met state approval.  Learning Journeys International Center of Coaching is one such organization.  Learning Journeys is considered a Post Secondary Career Education School which focuses solely on credentialing people as Certified Life Coach Practitioners and Master Certified Life Coach Practitioners.

Coaches Oath

We ask all graduates of our school as well as all independent consultants we hire to embrace our Coaches Oath.  By doing so we ensure the best interest of clients and customers are served and rules and regulations distinctive to coaching are in compliance. Below is our Coaches' Oath:

Learning Journeys' Coaches' Oath

I promise to extend honor and respect to all clients that I work with knowing that they have the answers inside of themselves.

I promise to champion my client’s greatness and be a stand for manifesting their purpose of why they are here on this earth.

I promise to listen for my client’s high dreams, values and extraordinary wishes and give them space to grow and unfold in the world.

I promise to represent my profession at the highest level of integrity in all interactions. I will not say things that are not true.  I will not knowingly give or allow false impressions.

I promise to avoid conflicts of interest with clients and openly disclose any such conflict.

I dedicate my coaching specialty to be a powerful force for positive change in people’s lives.

I acknowledge the importance of learning.  I will continue to seek the knowledge and inspiration of my colleagues, friends, clients and educational providers.

I will strive to enhance and provide the highest level of coaching standards that are ethical, moral and equitable.  I expect the same standards of my colleagues and will not tolerate unethical behavior.

The coaching profession is a highly regarded one.  I will not discredit it in any way and will not violate the trust and privileges that this certification extends to me.